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News Article

08 October 2022 | 3 minute read

We are very pleased to announce that Ms Nugent has been elected as Vice President of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS)!! Her term will run for two years from September 2022 until September 2024 when she will become the President of the BAAPS for a further two years. The BAAPS is the professional organisation for plastic surgeons in the United Kingdom who undertake aesthetic plastic surgery. It is focused on safety, education and training in aesthetic plastic surgery and is a key advisor and consultant on all major issues affecting aesthetic surgery and medicine in the UK. Nora has been a Member of Council of the BAAPS since 2018 and is delighted and honoured to accept her new role.

Nora says “I am honoured and very privileged to have become the Vice President of the BAAPS in September. Having been a Member of Council of the BAAPS since 2018 and Chair of BAAPS Support from 2020 to 2022, I have seen first-hand the number of issues the BAAPS handles and the tireless work of the Council and Officers publicly and behind the scenes to advance aesthetic plastic surgery safety, regulation and training. It has also been very rewarding to work within such an organisation and I look forward to the next two years as Vice President.

The BAAPS is in a unique position in the UK amongst plastic surgeons and UK aesthetics. It has extremely knowledgeable and experienced aesthetic plastic surgeons in its membership, strong links with other national and international healthcare and plastic surgery organisations and through its links with PLASTA, the BAAPS trainee membership and the recently launched Aesthetic Mentorship Scheme, a chance to train and mentor current and future young plastic surgeons to a high standard in their aesthetic careers.”

Did you know that Nora is also Secretary for ESAPS/EASAPS (European Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons/European Association of Societies of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery)?! Through this role, she is in regular contact with her European plastic surgery counterparts and works with them on issues affecting patients and plastic surgery across Europe.

Nora is also very pleased to be working alongside Mr Marc Pacifico who has just taken over the Presidency of the BAAPS and is her close colleague at Purity Bridge. This is the first time in history that the President and Vice President of the BAAPS have been based in the same clinic working alongside each other. It promises to be a very exciting two years for both Nora and Marc and they are looking forward to this immensely.


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