Cosmetic surgery certification is coming in for UK and Irish surgeons under the oversight of the four royal colleges of surgery. Nora Nugent is certified in all areas of cosmetic surgery by the Royal College of Surgeons in England. Specialist registration (in plastic surgery), qualifications (in plastic surgery), experience (in aesthetic (cosmetic) surgery), annual appraisal (annual review of clinical practice, continuing professional and personal development and education, colleague and patient feedback), medical indemnity (insurance) cover and professionalism are all evaluated to achieve certification. While certification in cosmetic surgery is not a mandatory requirement in the UK, this is an additional reassurance for her patients of Nora’s credentials as a plastic surgeon and her experience in aesthetic (cosmetic) surgery.
Only plastic surgeons can be evaluated for certification in all areas of cosmetic surgery as only plastic surgery training and clinical experience covers the full breath of aesthetic surgery (all areas of facial, breast and body surgery). Other specialities are eligible for certification in specific areas e.g. ENT or maxillofacial surgeons in facial, nasal, ear and/or eye surgery, breast surgeons in breast surgery and ophthalmic surgeons in oculoplastic surgery. Only specialist registered surgeons in these relevant specialties are eligible to certify in the Cosmetic Surgery Certification scheme.
Nora’s practice was evaluated for her qualifications and experience in facial, periorbital, ear, nose, breast and body contouring including after massive weight loss cosmetic surgery. Professional behaviour which is an intrinsic part of good medical practice was also evaluated as part of the certification requirements. Nora is amongst the first plastic surgeons in the UK to complete the full certification process.
Nora was also invited by the Royal College of Surgeons along with some of her colleagues to help develop part of the Professional Behaviours Masterclass that is linked to the certification process and is now a member of faculty for this Masterclass. BAAPS and BAPRAS, the two main professional associations for plastic surgeons in the UK, have both been involved in Cosmetic Surgery Interspecialty Committee that developed the Certification in Cosmetic Surgery scheme.
To check for a certified surgeon, please follow the link below: